
Elephants love to do creative things and to play games and as long as they are not pressured into doing activities they don’t want to do, they will quickly develop their skills for which they have interest.

Elephants are sentient beings and quite capable of making real art. REAL Elephant art is an original painting that is created by an elephant of its own volition, unaided in the creative process by humans. The words ‘original’, ‘own volition’ and ‘unaided’ are all keys to what makes one painting a real work of art

Each Gallery Collection elephant painting from The Elephant Art Gallery is an original work of art painted directly onto the paper by the elephant and it is not a print. We pay a great deal of attention to the quality of the art materials used. This is a vitally important issue when buying a painting..

Elephant or human artist? This is a really interesting observation that we’d like to share with you. How do people know whether a genuine abstract painting has been created by a painting elephant or by a human artist? What’s the difference? In the early days when elephant art was a new phenomenon and very few

Faked elephant painting could take two forms: art that is actually painted by a human, or art that is painted by an elephant that has been physically aided by a human. Art that is painted by a human to represent art by an elephant would be very difficult to distinguish, but I believe that it

Now that you have learned about the plight of elephants in Thailand we hope that you’ll be moved to make a donation and we recommend that you do so by transferring money directly to the Thai Elephant Conservation Center Elephant Hospital bank account in Thailand. The Elephant Hospital will accept any amount and no matter

The elephant, the largest of all land mammals, has evolved over 60 million years. The first ancestor of modern elephants was called Moeritherium after the place where it was discovered, the Moeris Lake in Egypt.Moeritherium were a pig-like shape, about the size of a tapir with a short tail and no trunk or tusks, but

The elephant hospital and mobile clinic run by the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) are fantastic resources that provide medical care to elephants absolutely free. The hospital at the TECC has nine qualified veterinarians who work at the hospital every day 8.00am until 4.00pm and are also on call 24 hours a day. At any